Discover Sangre Azul treatments

You can make an appointmnet in our ambulence at River Park swith top equipment and all-day operation. We have been providing our services for 12 years and we are proud that during that time we have helped a large number of our patients to make a beautiful smile.

Riešenie chrápania
Stabilizácia zubov
Diagnostika kazu
Znalecká činnosť
Úprava ďasien
Náhrady zubov
Vyrovnávanie krivých zubov
Individualizácia liečby 3D tlačou
Ortognátne operácie
Regeneratívna terapia zubov
Bezpreparačné fazety Lumineers
Regeneratívne bielenie zubov

All treatments

Neviditeľné strojčeky
Neviditeľné strojčeky Show more
Inteligentná liečba
Inteligentná liečba Show more
Regeneratívne bielenie zubov
Regeneratívne bielenie zubov Show more
Dental Monitoring
Dental Monitoring Show more
Bezpreparačná protetika
Bezpreparačné fazety - Lumineers
Bezpreparačné fazety - Lumineers Show more
Znalecké posudzovanie
Znalecké posudzovanie Show more
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Hygiene with aligners?

We chose our dental hygienist for her precision, consistency and experience with lingual and Invisalign systems.

Agáta Melicherová

Your personal dental hygienist can accompany you during your entire treatment period.

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